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Linguistic field in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2024-05-27Updated:2024-05-27
Similar words: linguisticlinguisticslinguisticalnonlinguisticlinguisticallymetalinguistichistorical linguisticscross-linguistic
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1. So far, in the linguistic field in China, the application of cognitive context to forensic practice has rarely been explored.
2. In the linguistic field there is different view on the category attributes of the verb valence.
3. As a kind of language phenomenon in linguistic field, code switching is also a king of psychological phenomenon.
4. In linguistic field, the study on temporal features mainly focuses on the internal structure of language such as morphology, syntax, semantics, aspectual study and pragmatics.
5. The present thesis is both helpful in The present thesis may make contributions to the studies in both the linguistic field and at the practical level.
6. There are different perspectives on this topic in national linguistic field as well as abroad.
6. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
7. The study of the relationship between the language and the gender difference has always been an important topic in the linguistic field.
8. Ever since Aristotle, studies in metaphor have raised the great interest of researchin linguistic field.
9. Presupposition, as a notion borrowed from philosophy a controversial issue in the linguistic field since 1970.
10. The Double-Object Construction(DOC)has always been a hot topic among the linguistic field at home and abroad.
11. However, with the gradual improvement and crystallization of Chomsky's Universal Grammar from 1960s, Chomsky's linguistic theory came to be recognized as one of the main schools of linguistic field.
12. And on the basis, to explore the direction and development of post-philosophy of language is becoming a new rise on the study of the philosophy of language in domestic linguistic field.
13. Context study, which is regarded as the subject of the semantics has already been a focus within the linguistic field.
14. The study of meaning production and construction of Chinese"Noun Verb"(N V) has been focused in the linguistic field.
15. The conceptual blending theory is a new and developing branch of cognitive linguistics which is becoming the hot topic in the national linguistic field.
16. The semantic approach to the classification of antonymy has always been the focal point in the linguistic field.
17. Lexical Semantics, written by British linguist D. A. Cruse, was published in 1986, and the book drew much attention in the linguistic field.
18. The unidirectionality of grammaticalization is one of the hottest issues in international linguistic field.
More similar words: linguisticlinguisticslinguisticalnonlinguisticlinguisticallymetalinguistichistorical linguisticscross-linguisticextralinguisticsociolinguisticsociolinguisticsneurolinguisticspsycholinguisticstatic fieldpsycholinguisticslinguistic contextathletic fieldmagnetic fieldstructural linguisticscomputational linguisticslinguistic communicationdistinguishing characteristicsolar magnetic fieldelectrostatic fieldearth's magnetic fieldelectromagnetic fieldmagnetic field strengthconstant magnetic fieldelectric fieldspecific field
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